





In honor to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Garfield, CBS aired the sixth season in 1993. For this season, the titles changed at the beginning. Instead of showing clips from only the first two seasons, which is what happened for the last three seasons, the titles included more clips from the fifth season, plus some from this season and one from a second season episode Health Feud, but still retaining a large amount of the original clips. However, the theme tune remained the same. Episodes 90–96 are available on the Garfield and Friends Volume 4 DVD set. Episodes 97–105 are available on Garfield and Friends Volume 5 DVD set.听见彼此音乐会三界最强凡人·动态漫画12夜少林寺1982云中的郎木寺太阳也是星星天下无毒绝代艳后2006克斯汀·邓斯特版十面埋伏(1989)新乌龙女校2荒野会谈德普大战希尔德棒打薄情郎狼图腾将夜2奔跑吧 合伙人大汉风之吕后篡汉杀手柔情2021龙闯中原豆花依旧笑春风好朋友血拳之双龙劫九五至尊粤语风雪大别山帝国时代 上大闹西游2018上错黑车两个小八路情谜2012先生有系统漫长的告别(原声版)龙王子第三季危情营救我在减肥小魔女DoReMi 小·秘·密消防站的王子引狼入室美男高校地球防卫部LOVE鸡星圣斗士星矢 冥王哈迪斯冥界篇 前章致胜女王搜寻死党第一季沫汐当铺小猫熊历险记亚洲怪谈

