

主演:提图斯·维里沃,米密·罗杰斯,麦迪逊·林茨,Denise G. Sanchez,马克·阿特伯里,Patrick Brennan,Rafael Cabrera,杰西卡·卡马乔,Stephen A. Chang,布鲁斯·戴维森,大卫·丹曼,Anthony Gonzales,曼尼·斯特里茨,马克斯·马蒂尼,Jared Shipley,盖·威尔逊





  Bosch: Legacy follows Harry Bosch, a retired homicide detective turned private investigator, as he embarks on the next chapter of his career; attorney Honey “Money” Chandler, who struggles to maintain her faith in the justice system after surviving an attempted murder; and Maddie Bosch, as she discovers the possibilities and challenges of being a rookie patrol cop on the streets of Los Angeles. During Season Two, Bosch and Chandler work together to seek out a killer who just might find them first. As a result of being kidnapped by a masked assailant, Maddie Bosch's law enforcement career hangs in the balance. The FBI scrutinizes Carl Rogers' murder and places Bosch and Chandler under suspicion.无名故事哦我的皇帝陛下 第一季寻找外星生命深渊游戏雪之华苹果核战记α裸婚冠与锚木星之卫我叫赵红花真正正义之死亡降临漫漫北寻路我们回家吧追风行动情迷幽灵天主教学校今生情未了棕榈滩闪光的乐队别惹叶小姐,她法术通天罗布奥特曼终极恋人德云社岳云鹏相声专场上海站2019摩登土佬微笑杀神 2023骸骨骑士大人异世界冒险中小欢喜绅士联盟第一季逍遥法外第三季卡戴珊家族第一季我的女友是九尾狐天国之行再见,旧时光1989东方快车谋杀案肯尼迪一家四度空间激战奇轮3灵异存在杀死一只知更鸟德云社网络相声大会2014快乐与你相遇月亮之光哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙永远爱着你

