

主演:斯蒂芬·弗雷,Simon Bell,Alessia Kockel







  Hidden Kingdoms is an innovative new series from the BBC's Natural History Unit. For the first time it takes the viewer into a unique and unexplored miniature world, immersing you into the action-packed lives of the planet's smaller animals.  Based in six of the planet’s most iconic landscapes: the open plains of Africa’s savannah, Arizona’s desert, the forests of Borneo, the woodlands of North America and the urban jungles of Rio and Tokyo. We’ll experience and see these habitats from a new visual perspective, pushing between blades of grass will feel like journeying deep into the densest jungle, while running from a hunting lizard will feel like a visit to Jurassic Park.    This is a different approach to a traditional wildlife series. Based entirely on biologically accurate behaviour, it employs a unique range of filming techniques and constructed storytelling to recreate these animals' own distinctive perspectives and to illustrate the dynamism of their lives.  Journey behind the scenes with Hidden Kingdoms to explore some of the techniques used to create this unique viewpoint, and why they were so important when revealing behaviour never before filmed.银面具狐妖小红娘沐天城篇航拍中国 第三季激战柏林寻宝迷踪死神来了2齐木楠雄的灾难第二季盲聋税收官再生缘芝加哥急救第五季地下城与勇士之破界少女日语金光御九界之仙古狂涛约瑟与虎与鱼们英勇的民族赌神粤语战斗司书蜂巢2021小毒龙女巨人复仇记半血缘兄弟泰姬陵:性与谎言陵过往的梦精忠报国第一季大哥成摊牌了,团宠千金她不装了北上广依然相信爱情2025: Blood, White & Blue伯德埃波要塞一直很安静副总统第三季《新游记》里的新职场学尸骨工厂蝙蝠侠新冒险:疯狂的爱女仁医性敢中环二次觉醒财产风满楼她的马拉松路德维希天真时间地狱之旅非常营救史诗尾巴危险元素

