

主演:Rob Morrow,David Krumholtz





  NUMB3RS is a drama about FBI agent Don Eppes (Rob Morrow), who recruits his mathematical-genius brother, Charlie (David Krumholtz) to help the Bureau solve a wide range of challenging crimes in Los Angeles. The two brothers take on the most confounding criminal cases from a very distinctive perspective.    Inspired by actual cases, the series depicts how the confluence of police work and mathematics provides unexpected revelations and answers to the most perplexing criminal questions.    A dedicated FBI agent, Don couldn't be more different from his younger brother, Charlie, a brilliant mathematician who, since he was little, has yearned to impress his big brother. As a seasoned investigator, Don deals in hard facts and evidence, whereas Charlie, a math professor at a California university, functions in a world of mathematical probability and equations.    Now, despite their disparate approaches to life, Don and Charlie are able to combine their areas of expertise and solve some killer cases.我是坏人玻璃之花与坏掉的世界催眠·裁决邻家性士第一季动感地带芒果卡“无限X-青春派对”巡回演唱会郑州站前科者 -新人保护司·阿川佳代-青春无悔1991现代豪侠传世界致命动物系列:印度篇地狱天堂墨水心家族纽带第一季女学。~圣女斯克威尔学院~霹雳娇娃2019开局一个亿,干翻全世界诈欺担保人第一季新少林寺国语版穿越平行世界甩牙老虎今晚开放麦 第二季龙城风云初恋日记2017跳动的心2018正义令天下迎春的故事破烂王众里寻他悄悄告诉她古树旋律剧场版诅咒(2005)龙心战纪日语溶解家族荣誉4通缉令国语我们今后的故事福团·费斯特:好运旺旺来崩坏3「林海绮律」线上音乐会3月的狮子 后篇幸福泉毛骨悚然撞鬼经15周年特别篇金总夫人真千金黑暗大师绝望写手 第二季动物王国2023

