

主演:Mike Bara,Chad Jenkins,Leland Melvin







  The moon landing in 1969 was one of the greatest feats ever achieved by mankind, an epic journey by three legendary astronauts that tested the limits of human ingenuity. Or was it?  In the years since, many theories have arisen that this achievement was faked in what would be one of the greatest hoaxes ever created.  In this fascinating series, a team of experts and investigators interview key witnesses and look at all the evidence for both possibilities, to truly separate the facts from the fiction.  1. NASA Nazi Conspiracy  2. Fire in the Cockpit  3. Killing Armstrong  4. Conspiracy of the Lost Tapes十三太保粤语我的留级岳父布罗肯伍德疑案第一季古镇郎中少年苏乞儿旺角的天空3之终极边缘粤语新九品芝麻官2024反贪风暴之加密危机 粤语版大乱斗之少年觉醒血族 第四季风雨同舟恐怖极限游戏年少轻狂第一季海底世界3D法证先锋 国语版夜行动物2016疯猴粤语版地狱客栈关于我妈的一切狂暴黑鲨与你一起绽放~新选组青春录~丧尸李志2机动部队国语真假学园0 木更津乱斗篇废柴兄弟不懂撒娇的女人国语浪子回头 短剧版追球无意冒犯第三季摩尔先生以及巧克力工厂银河决斗歌舞青春:音乐剧集 第四季一个女王的少女时代戏说台湾之天官武财神约定的梦幻岛万桥飞架陪你到时光尽头绮丽之国布局(粤语)杀出魔鬼镇新包青天南侠谜案缘尽今生(1995)NEW GAME!! 第二季木偶出征百老汇陌生人1999墨尔本风云第五季圣墟星合之空

