







似是故人来1993 剧照 NO.1似是故人来1993 剧照 NO.2似是故人来1993 剧照 NO.3似是故人来1993 剧照 NO.4似是故人来1993 剧照 NO.5似是故人来1993 剧照 NO.6似是故人来1993 剧照 NO.13似是故人来1993 剧照 NO.14似是故人来1993 剧照 NO.15似是故人来1993 剧照 NO.16似是故人来1993 剧照 NO.17似是故人来1993 剧照 NO.18似是故人来1993 剧照 NO.19似是故人来1993 剧照 NO.20


  7年前,杰克(理查•基尔 饰)丢下了自己已怀孕的妻子劳瑞(朱迪•福斯特 饰)参加了美国内战。7年来毫无音讯,劳瑞承担起照顾孩子照顾家庭的责任。7年后的某天,杰克突然出现了。而且这时候的杰克,已不再是粗鲁刻薄,简直像变了一个人似的。本来就是地主的他带着村民一起勤奋耕作,希望尽力提高大家的生活水平。  可是劳瑞初感到这种幸福感不久,事情发生了变化。杰克被控告与一宗谋杀案有关,当局要拘捕杰克,沉默的杰克并没有反抗,他接受拘捕。事实上,这是假的杰克,他是真杰克的教师朋友,真正的杰克早已死去了。假杰克愿意承受罪名,是因为他要把杰克最美好的一面留在大家的心中……铁甲小宝高清重置版魂归故里第二季(法国)飞黄腾达 第二季魔都传奇昨日的美食 电影版食尸人地球脉动第三季阿姐万岁 致命伴侣女大学生宿舍魔法少女奈叶ViVid红十字星座jeen-yuhs: 坎耶·维斯特三部曲魔翡翠泰版VIP少女的世界渔王争霸哭泣杀神1 杀手肖像神圣的增长!佐州自救兄弟一地鸡毛赌场无人注视花样中年粤语无声的旅行昨日重现之舍命情缘王妃她又美又飒罗曼诺夫后裔黑天使1990沉默的证人(原声版)渡江探险飓风奇劫英语总裁的天价萌妻 动态漫画 第2季冬雾闯入者我的单板女孩第一季回到古代做极品家丁肉食猎者第七季硬核机器人魔方大厦花落梦深处宋快递罗德岛战记


 1 ) 刚刚看完... ...


另一个是Gere在绞刑架上告诉行刑人自己没有准备好,大呼Foster名字的那一句。看得我眼泪差点儿砸到脚背上,和Gibson在Brave Heart最后的那一句“Freedom”一样揪人。



 2 ) 好莱坞又一次点石成金


 3 ) Plot

John "Jack" Sommersby left his farm to fight in the American Civil War but has not returned home afterward, and is presumed dead. Despite the hardship of working their farm without him, his apparent widow Laurel (played by Foster) is quite content in his absence, as Jack was an unpleasant and abusive husband. She even makes remarriage plans with one of her neighbors, Orin Meacham (Pullman), who despite his own hardships (such as a wooden foot, which he wears to replace one that was lost in the war) has been helping her and her young son with the farmwork.

One day, Jack (Gere) seemingly returns with a complete change of heart. He is now kind and loving to Laurel and their young son. In the evenings, he reads to them from Homer's Iliad, which the old Jack never would have done. He claims that the book was given to him by a man he met in prison, and that "War changes you; makes you appreciate things". Jack and Laurel rekindle their intimacy and Laurel soon becomes pregnant.

Displaced from his courtship of Laurel, Meacham immediately suspects this "new" Sommersby as an impostor. The town shoemaker also finds that this man's foot is two sizes smaller than the shoe template which had been made for Sommersby before the war.

In order to revive the local economy, Sommersby suggests Burley tobacco as a cash crop. He raises the seed money by selling parts of his own farm to people who will then work the land to grow tobacco. This raises further doubts in his old neighbors who believe that the "old" Jack would not be so hasty to give away his beloved father's land, as well as resentment among Confederate veterans about the inclusion of former slaves.

One black freedman living on Sommersby's land is brutally attacked and dropped at Sommersby's door, by men proclaiming themselves the Knights of the White Camellia (one of them is Meacham, distinguished by his wooden foot). Jack is threatened in an attempt to force him to exclude Black people from the landowning but he refuses, saying that they can "own what they pay for".

Upon taking the townspeople's money, he sets off to buy the tobacco seed claiming that the crops will raise enough funds to rebuild the town church. Great suspicion and skepticism falls upon him (and by association, Laurel and their son) when he does not return at the expected time. He does, however, return. All those that bought in on the deal set to work, transforming the dull and lifeless plantation into a breeding ground of promise and prosperity. Laurel gives birth to a daughter, Rachel.

Shortly after Rachel's baptism, two U.S. Marshals appear in town to arrest Jack Sommersby. He is charged with murder, which carries the death penalty if convicted. Once the trial begins, Laurel's attempts to save her husband quickly focus on the question of his identity: whether this "Jack" is who he claims to be, or a look-a-like who met the real Sommersby whilst in prison for deserting the Confederate Army.

Laurel and Jack's lawyer agree to argue that her husband is an impostor, not the same man who left Laurel to fight in the war. This would save her husband (or supposed husband) from hanging for murder, although he would still be imprisoned for several years for fraud and desertion. Meacham devises this plan in exchange for Laurel promising to marry him upon "Sommersby's" imprisonment.

Jack fires the lawyer and sets about re-establishing himself as the real Sommersby. Several witnesses are brought up to discredit this Sommersby as a fraud, and show that he is in fact Horace Townsend, an English teacher from Virginia.

One witness says that the man currently posing as Jack defrauded his township of several thousand dollars after claiming he wanted to help rebuild the schoolhouse there. Sommersby quickly discredits the man's testimony by identifying him as one of the Klansmen who had threatened him earlier. Jack also points out that Orin Meacham was another of those men, and that this is all a set-up to try and rob the new black farmers of the land they have bought. When the black judge confronts the witness on this charge, the witness snaps, "When the Yankees have all gone you'll be back in the field where you belong!" The judge silences him and sentences him to 30 days for contempt, increased to 60 days upon the man's protest.

As the drama unfolds, Jack asks Laurel to give the reason she knows he is not the "real" Jack Sommersby; she replies (after some berating) "…because I never loved him the way I love you!" With this her charade ends and she says that she believes the Jack before her to be her real husband.

The judge calls Jack to his bench to ask whether he wishes to be tried as Jack Sommersby even if it will certainly mean death by hanging. Jack glances at the freed blacks who have been farming his land, and then he glances at his wife and his daughter, who would be respectively condemned as an adulteress and a bastard child if he claimed the identity of Horace Townsend. He calmly states that he wants to be tried as John "Jack" Sommersby.

Jack is convicted of first degree murder and is sentenced to death by hanging. While awaiting death, he is asked by Laurel to tell the truth. She asks, "Are you John Sommersby?" Laurel mentions the book on Homer's works that he holds. Jack tells her the story of how he met a man who looked like him whilst in a prison and how he gave him this book. They traveled together until his friend died. He claims that he buried him under a pile of rocks on a hill top in Virginia. Laurel asks, "You mean you buried Jack?", to which Jack replies, "I mean I buried Horace."

Just then the jailers enter to transport Jack to the gallows. He asks Laurel to be amongst the crowds as he cannot "hang alone". She says she can't watch him die. As Jack Sommersby is fastened up ready to hang, Laurel makes her way to the front of the crowd. Jack calls for her, claiming to the executioner that he "isn't ready". She then calls back and the two see each other. The hood is pulled over and a trap door can be heard opening.

The closing scenes show Laurel walking up a hill with flowers. She then kneels by the grave of "Jack Sommersby" and lays the flowers down for him. It is revealed that work is being done on the steeple of the village church, as Jack had wished.

 4 ) 似是故人来

7年前,杰克丢下了自己已怀孕的妻子劳瑞参加了美国内战。7年来毫无音讯,劳瑞承担起照顾孩子照顾家庭的责任。7年后的某天,杰克突然出现了。而且这时候的杰克,已不再是粗鲁刻薄,简直像变了一个人似的。本来就是地主的他带着村民一起勤奋耕作,希望尽力提高大家的生活水平。 可是劳瑞初感到这种幸福感不久,事情发生了变化。杰克被控告与一宗谋杀案有关,当局要拘捕杰克,沉默的杰克并没有反抗,他接受拘捕。事实上,这是假的杰克,他是真杰克的教师朋友,真正的杰克早已死去了。假杰克愿意承受罪名,是因为他要把杰克最美好的一面留在大家的心中……

 5 ) 胜似故人


 6 ) To be or not to be?


理查.基尔加朱迪.福斯特,阵容超强。两人表演上无懈可击,但这种组合注定了我的期望特别高,想想看“沉默羔羊”加“First Knight”是什么效果?带着接受强刺激的期待心情来观影,结果是如莫奈风景画般恬静的一段“爱情”故事,多少有点失望。而且故事结构的刻意戏剧化本身就会削弱演员的表现力。




  • wangzhy
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  • UrthónaD'Mors
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  • 秀才Bui出门
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故事很假 但是真的很有感觉 喜欢二位主演的表现

  • 小盐
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  • Våg
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  • 君心可晴
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Richard GERE et Jodie FOSTER 当年心中的天作之合啊 看多遍 仍觉得光看长相就很美好 何况故事也完整哀伤

  • minyee13
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  • 左胸上的吸盘
  • 较差

i love Jodie!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 迪斯尼的喉舌
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  • 赱馬觀♣
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(I know because) I never loved him in the way that I loved you. 翻拍自马丁·盖尔归来 Le Retour de Martin Guerre(1982)有点虚假有点矫情但法庭和爱情戏依然好看!

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  • 苏美
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  • Morning
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  • 爹 我亲爹
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  • 陶子冬
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感人 感动 朱迪福斯特 RichardGere Jodie.Foster 3星半才對, 4星要給茱迪姐姐....

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someone replace my husband?

  • francisca
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编剧貌似有着想要在细节中透露真相的想法,但是就是表现的太不明显了,除了男对Jack这个名字的反应其他我都没注意到…不过农场片时长短实在很好,不像《冷山》《澳大利亚》…刮胡子时的那句it was never the money,小foster又出现了,才姐后来的片都没有小时候那种神韵了啊

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