







神奇2013 剧照 NO.1神奇2013 剧照 NO.2神奇2013 剧照 NO.3神奇2013 剧照 NO.4神奇2013 剧照 NO.5神奇2013 剧照 NO.6神奇2013 剧照 NO.13神奇2013 剧照 NO.14神奇2013 剧照 NO.15神奇2013 剧照 NO.16神奇2013 剧照 NO.17神奇2013 剧照 NO.18神奇2013 剧照 NO.19神奇2013 剧照 NO.20


冰山(黄晓明 饰)是一位游戏软件开发的高手,生活中酷爱篮球。胡椒(冯德伦 饰)与小黑(陈建州 饰)都是冰山开发团队的同事,也都是篮球的狂热爱好者。新的公司CEO上任,并带来一个好消息:公司即将全力开发一款高端篮球游戏——“神奇”。但是原来的开发团队中只有冰山一人可以继续留下来,原有的团队必须解散。  面临好友被辞退,冰山也不想继续留下来,可是与胡椒、小黑共同创业的原始资金却远远不够。而原公司开出的成功开发“神奇”后的奖金却是相当诱人。于是冰山决心为公司开发“神奇”。  当“神奇”即将要对外发布之际,冰山却发现目前的“神奇”仍然存在漏洞,会对玩家造成神经损害。因此,他坚决反对“神奇”如期发布,并与CEO产生巨大的分歧。此时,女友伊琳(金雅中 饰)与CEO之间的暧昧关系也被他发现。一时间,情感、事业、生活的种种矛盾困扰着他。  CEO仍然一意孤行如期发布“神奇...食运西伯利亚教育星空三兄弟男人不坏世界奇妙物语 15周年特别篇Jimmy~二货般的真实故事~爱恨焚身第一季谜一样的双眼(2009)盂兰神功执法者僵尸也疯狂着魔1981查理必死明天和每一天您有一个专属红包反叛吧女同们以血还血正阳门下小女人省港旗兵4神圣的王冠北京猿人二流小说家破碎之家流沙第一季我的绝美师姐太宠了克隆人天之骄子非家庭电影鼠疫屠城(国语版)妄想学生会 剧场版追我魂魄变形计第八季星际旅行:下一代第二季阴阳师·平安物语第三季青空 剧场版最后通牒:南非篇帕瓦罗蒂追光吧!哥哥仁川登陆作战塞尔柯克漂流记弹簧折刀毕业生1967此生漫漫


 1 ) 男神

神奇的费曼先生 第一次听说是看了一本叫做别闹了费曼的书,第二次是在公交上听到费曼给艾琳写的信,很感人。好像是在艾琳过世很久以后。 费曼的家庭教育非常好,爸爸从小就希望把他培养成科学家。爸爸会给他生动地讲很多东西,培养他的好奇心。从小他就是个脑洞大开的孩子,做各种实验,甚至付费给他的妹妹,让她把手指头伸到电流里面去表演被电击。。。 什么叫爱情?即使知道艾琳将不久人世,仍然坚定地娶了她。 他的智慧造福了人类,他第一次很好地说明了量子力学。他的智慧被用于造原子弹,给日本带来的毁灭性打击让他痛苦不已。 他是一个有趣,有人格魅力的人。作为当代最伟大的物理学家,他去脱衣舞吧观察脱衣舞娘,给他们画像,他还研究生物学,非洲鼓。。。 Nasa的挑战者号失事,他打破自己永远不去华盛顿的flag,去现场揭穿了nasa当局的遮羞布。 最后让我泪目的一点事,他患癌症死亡之前,举起手,吐舌头,做了一个魔术师会做的动作。 那是他的遗言,临死都在探索这个世界,都在玩。 这就是最伟大的人,他就是物理学那人道的一面。从事物理,不是为了名声,他是诺贝尔物理学奖为草芥。不是为了金钱,只是为了自己喜欢,一生都在玩。 我多么希望也能成为这样的人,或者接近他,哪怕一点点吧。

 2 ) 神奇的费曼先生


费曼先生是一位高手,正如我们从影片中得知,如果没有他,原子弹就不会那么早发明出来。他是画家(虽然不是很好),他是量子学家(每当多久),老师(当了几年)。不管怎样,他是一个彻头彻尾的天才。当年他在高中时是一个学霸,校花爱上了他,也就是他的妻子艾琳。从此,校花爱上了学霸的故事就开始了。阿珍爱上了阿强,在一个没有星星的夜晚········但是后来艾琳(校花)得了结核病,当时无法医治的,所以在费曼还在实行曼哈顿计划的时候,艾琳就嗝屁了。费曼受到了挚爱的死,和日本的10万无辜人们的死亡的双重打击下,他决定隐退。费曼记得艾琳告诉他,希望他能去画画,于是他去画画了,最后他成功地成为了一名画画人才( :之后他还去玩打鼓,虽然没有什么成就,可能就只是觉得好玩吧。玩了几年后,他又回到了普林斯顿去教书。


 3 ) 物理不是座上客而是一个可以开玩笑的朋友



dance like a child

 4 ) 一朵花里的世界


Richard Feynman (1918-1988)

But you got to stop and think about the complexity, the INCONCEIVABLE nature of nature! 你需要停下來思考一下這些複雜性,這些不可思議的自然之本質。

I was born not knowing, and have only had a little time to change that here and there. — Richard Feynman 我生來一無所知,只是有一點時間在這兒或那兒對此做些改變。

Their father, Melville Feynman, worked for a company which made uniforms. This exposure to the military led to a strong rejection of authority, a value he instilled in his son. One of the things that my father taught me was a disrespect. He'd open a picture, a New York Times, maybe it was a General, and he'd say, "Now, look at these humans," he'd say. "Here's one human standing here and all these others are bowing. Now, what is the difference? Why are they all bowing to him? Only because of his name and his position. Because of his uniform. Not because of something he especially did." 為一家製作軍服的公司工作的父親對自己的兒子注入的價值觀:反對威權

To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven. The same key opens the gates of hell. — Buddhist saying, re-quoted by Richard Feynman 每個人都被給予一枚通往天堂之門的鑰匙,同一枚鑰匙也開啟地獄之門。(佛教徒的說法,為費曼引用)

Despite being a key member of the most secret Government project of the war, Feynman's streak of maverick mischief was never far away. 'So I used to pick the locks all the time and point out that it was very easy to do, and every time we had a meeting of the whole…everybody together, I'd get up and I'd say that we have important secrets and we shouldn't keep them in such thing. We need better locks!' 開鎖的癖好 /最出色的偵探也可以是最出色的竊賊

There is pleasure in recognizing old things from a new viewpoint. — Richard Feynman 有一種喜悅在於從一個新的視點去認知舊事物之中。

They expected me to be wonderful to offer me a job like this, and I wasn't wonderful. I though to myself, "I haven't done anything important. And I'm never going to do anything important. But I used to enjoy physics and mathematical things and because I used to play with it, it was never very important. But I used to do things for the fun of it. So I decided, I'm going to do things only for the fun of it. " 對自己的清醒認識以及只出於玩樂去做事情的心態 /是玩樂而不是享樂

The simple little diagrams Feynman had invented were a brilliant way to sidestep the complicated calculations required for QED. They were a sort of shortcut, allowing him to avoid the infinities and make meaningful predictions about the world. He saw that there was actually a sort of pictorial way of thinking about these pictures, these equations. You could associate a little cartoon, a little Feynman diagram, as we now call them, to every one of these terms in the equation. 用簡單的圖形 (diagram) 巧妙避開QED(Quantum ElectroDynamics 量子電磁力學) 中 infinite ∞ 的 indefinite. 用一種圖形化 (pictorial) 的方式思考情景圖像以及方程。 /如果費曼的藝術老師是達芬奇本尊也許繪畫和物理都將更進一大步

The prize is the pleasure of finding the thing out. The kick in the discovery. The observation other people use it. Those are the real things! The honours are unreal to me. I don't believe in honours. It bothers me. Honours bothers me! Honours is epaulettes. Honours is uniforms. 發現事物真相的樂趣就是獎賞 /諾貝爾獎的得主都不屑得獎這才是諾貝爾獎的意義

Stop trying to fill your head with science - for to fill your heart with love is enough. — Richard Feynman 有愛足夠 (mischievous backfire letter)

Probability & Uncertainty - the quantum mechanical view of nature Professor Richard Feynman gives the message lectures Cornell University 費曼在康乃爾大學的演講:可能性與不可確定性 - 自然的量子機械視點

Californian artist, Jirayr Zorthian (1911-2004) 加州亞美尼亞裔藝術家 They met at a party where Feynman played bongos.

I think he maybe got a kick out of working with his hands, but particularly the pen and doing features of people. So enthusiastic an art student was Feynman, that he took to spending time in Giannoni's, a strip bar in Pasadena. Here, he divided his attention between sketching the girls and solving physics equations. 用繪畫捕捉人物的特徵

We both liked spaghetti, because it was easy to cook, and I ask him why it was that when you broke a piece of spaghetti, it often broke into three pieces, instead of two? You should try it, it really does. So, of course, he came up with a theory of it immediately, but instead of being satisfied with it he constructed an experiment to see if the theory was true, which involved slowly moving the spaghetti off the end of the table and breaking it at different lengths. And then, that theory was wrong and he came up with another theory and then each theory would lead to another experiment. By the time the evening was over, we had broken spaghetti all over the place and we STILL didn't know why spaghetti broke in three places. 義大利麵條三斷論的實驗 /其實生活中處處是驚奇

He didn't need the external validation of having everybody respecting him all the time, because he respected himself, he knew he was an extraordinary person. 他並不需要外部的肯定讓每個人在任何時候都要遵奉他 /越是糟糕的教授越會自卑到讓學生必須尊稱professor

Freely admitting that, yes, he was laughing at his own history. 他會對自己的過去發笑

I have a friend who's an artist and he's sometimes taken a view, which I don't agree with very well. You hold up a flower and say, "Look how beautiful it is." And I'll agree. And he says, I, as an artist, can see how beautiful this is, but you, as a scientist, take this all apart and it becomes a dull thing. And I think that he's kind of nutty. First of all, the beauty that he sees is available to other people and to me too. I believe, although I may not be quite as refined aesthetically as he is, that I can appreciate the beauty of the flower. At the same time, I see much more about the flower than he sees. I could imagine the cells in there, the complicated actions inside, which also have a beauty. I mean, it's not just beauty at this dimension of one centi-metre, there's also beauty at a smaller dimensions, the inner structure. Also the processes. The fact that the colours and the flower are evolved in order to attract insects to pollinate it is interesting. It means that insects can see the colour. It adds a question, does this aesthetic sense also exist in the lower forms? Why is it aesthetic? All kinds of interesting questions, which are science knowledge only adds to the excitement and mystery and the awe of a flower. It only adds. I don't understand how it subtracts.

我有一個朋友他是藝術家,他有時持有一種見解我並不是很同意。他拿起一枝花說,“看它多漂亮”,我同意,然後他說,我是一個藝術家,能夠看到它是多麼漂亮,而你,是一個科學家,你把它都分解開來,就會變得很無趣了。我覺得這就有點怪異了。首先,他看到的那種美對其他人和我都是可以看到的。我相信,儘管我可能沒有像他那樣更精練審美的程度,我也是可以欣賞花朵之美的。而同時,關於花我比他看到的更多。我可以想像它的細胞,其中的複雜動作,這些也都有一種美。我的意思是,並不是只在這一釐米的尺度之上的美,再更小的尺度上,在它的內部結構中,也有美。也包括各種過程。花朵顏色的進化旨在吸引昆蟲授粉這個事實也是很有趣的。它意味著昆蟲可以看到色彩。它增加了一個問題,在低等(生物)形式中是否也存在這樣的美感?為什麼會是審美? 各種各樣有趣的問題,科學知識只會對在一枝花的興奮感 (excitement),神秘 (mystery) 和驚奇 (awe) 有所增加。它只會增加,我不明白它怎麼會減少。


And so on Monday morning we met in my office and he sat down and started working, and he was consumed by it. All his energy and attention was devoted to solving this problem. 所有的能量和注意力都在致力於解決問題

For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations for nature can not be fooled. — Richard Feynman 真相必需優先公共關係,因為自然不能被愚弄。

He asked me what I thought he should do so I just asked him, "Do you think it's an important problem?" And he said, yes he did. I said, "Do you think you can make a difference?" And he said, after a while, he said, "Well, yeah, probably can." I didn't say another word. And after a few minutes hesitation he said, "To hell with you, Hibbs," and hung up. 你認為它是一個重要的問題嗎?你認為你可以讓它有些不同嗎?

William Rogers (1913-2001) 美國政治家,外交官,律師。 His formal, bureaucratic approach was the polar opposite of the freewheeling maverick professor. General Donald Kutyna (1933- ) 美國空軍軍官。 And so I went through this very logical step-by-step process of how you investigate a space, /在 formal, bureaucratic approach 和 logic step-by-step 之間似乎有種內在的相似。但是當規程變成繁文縟節,政府的效率就會降低;而邏輯一步步的清晰明了卻有利調查工作的進行。

It wasn't simply a technical puzzle, there was a human puzzle going on too. I already smell certain rats that I will not forget because I just love the smell of rats, for it is the spore of exciting adventure.' 這並不是一個簡單的技術謎題,而是也上演著一個人間謎題。我已經嗅到某種騙局的味道我不會忽略因為我喜歡這個味道,它是這場令人興奮的冒險的胞芽。

NASA wanted to control everything that they gave to the Commission and actually withheld things. They didn't lie, but they certainly didn't go around blabbing the truth either. NASA對調查委員會有所保留

It was Feynman's chance. He decided to use the power of a classic science demonstration. 這是費曼的機會。他決定運用經典科學演示的力量。

In the summer of 1986, the Commission's report was submitted. In its appendix, Feynman added a stark reminder about the limits of science. His last recommendation I think really summed it up in one simple paragraph. "For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled." 對於一項成功的技術而言,真相必需優先於公共關係,因為自然不會被愚弄。 /在一個不追求真相的國度,既不會有科學也不會有藝術。只有踩在空中軟綿綿的感覺,等著必然到來一再會來的自然的懲罰。

I got off on the subject. I said, "I've been thinking about an invariant in turbulent flow." He said, "What do you mean?" I explained a little bit what it was all about. The invariant, you know. I said, "Well under these, such and such conditions." And he says, "Let's see." So I had a notebook there. He took the notebook and he started, he wrote it all down step by step. think it took 13 steps to get to that. He says, "Yes, that's true, it is an invariant." Then he says, "You got me thinking about physics again. I can go home now." / invariant… 想起一個很久遠的疑問,invariant 和 constant 有區別嗎?

'"The whole universe is in a glass of wine." I don't think we'll ever know in what sense he meant that. For the poets don't like to be understood.' 詩人不喜歡被理解

The most important thing I found out from [my father] is that if you asked any question and pursued it deeply enough, then at the end there was a glorious discovery of a general and beautiful kind. No Ordinary Genius wikiquote🔗🀅

片尾介紹了英國公開大學免費課程🔗 //www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses/full-catalogue 這些課程過於豐富,從 Big bang 到 parenting, 知識何止是海洋。我打算先選一個語言課程,Beginners’ French: A trip to Avignon🔗,嗯,好像看到一隻蝸牛在笑.....

 5 ) 琐碎记录一下这个有趣的灵魂


无比欣赏费曼对于诺贝尔奖的态度【I have already got the prize. The prize is the pleasure of finding the thing out. The kick in the discovery. The observation other people use it. Those are the real things. The honors are unreal to me.】




参与调查挑战者号失事原因:For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations for nature cannot be fooled.


 6 ) 一个有趣的科学家的人生故事









1、不要在你脑中填满科学,在你心中填满爱就够了 2、得到问题答案的愉悦感是货真价实的,荣誉都是假的(评论诺贝尔奖)3、一个这么短的纪录片居然让我看得几次都想哭

  • Trouble
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  • 劳拉Lora
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  • 雨宫萤
  • 力荐


  • 透明稔
  • 还行

片子里出现的动画《Richard Feynman - Ode To A Flower》:https://vimeo.com/55874553

  • 等一等
  • 力荐


  • 海若
  • 力荐


  • 冻冻kirakira
  • 力荐

i was born not knowing, and have only had a little time to change that here and there.

  • water
  • 推荐


  • CP
  • 还行

"For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled."

  • 宇宙真理猪大肠
  • 推荐


  • 啸杨
  • 推荐


  • 林小朵i
  • 推荐


  • 不上班的日子
  • 力荐

意外的萌的不行…“为什么要在车上画满费曼图?”“because we're the Feymans!”太幸福了…费曼是诗意哲学家…

  • Sagittarius。
  • 力荐


  • 洛伦兹不变换
  • 还行


  • 刘康康
  • 推荐


  • 局外人
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  • 合纥
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“啊这个好有意思 我要来玩”——费曼大大的人生哲学。

  • Summerwine
  • 还行

每次看有关科学的纪录片就为身为物理渣感到遗憾。天才总有Charisma,Feyman语录好棒啊。以前机油还说当不成这样的人生贵族还有机会当他们的爸爸妈妈,但是看看Feyman爸爸怎么教养就高下立判了TvT 好想看surely you're joking mr.feynman哈哈哈

  • siju
  • 力荐