

主演:爱琳·格雷,大卫·凯斯,博·史文森,Paris Warner,Jasen Wade,兰登·格雷斯,莱西·哈特塞尔,Gage Maynard,Bethany Davenport,Braden Balazik,Kisha Sharon Oglesby,Warren Fast,Brad Napp,David Raizor,Avery E. King






叛逆少女 剧照 NO.1叛逆少女 剧照 NO.2叛逆少女 剧照 NO.3叛逆少女 剧照 NO.4叛逆少女 剧照 NO.5叛逆少女 剧照 NO.6叛逆少女 剧照 NO.13叛逆少女 剧照 NO.14叛逆少女 剧照 NO.15叛逆少女 剧照 NO.16


  Alaska Rose has had a difficult few years since her mom left the family four years prior; acting out, rebelling against her single dad, Conner, getting into trouble in school and worse. But when she turns eighteen, Alaska finds herself in front of a judge in adult court for some of the same out-of-control behavior. In lieu of a jail sentence, Alaska is ordered to do community service in an assisted living facility where she is assigned to Mrs. Foster, an elderly resident who is unapproachable at best and hostile at her worst. Will Mrs. Foster be Alaska's undoing or will she simply be another obstacle on the road to the headstrong girl's freedom? As Alaska tries to minimally fulfill her court obligation and dodge actual jail time, she deals with peer pressure, static from her family, outside influences and demons from her past. Can she navigate the tumult and re-discover a relationship with God and her family or will she remain caught in the cycle of bad choices and lose what little of either is left?仆人1963水浒客栈第一次牵手刘明珠玛丽莲·梦露:最后的日子2001从分手开始恋爱哈利波特6混血王子的背叛(原声版)梦归人萌犬偷渡记17号音乐仓库第二季揭竿而起东归英雄传1993卧底:费瑞崛起甜心软糖谋杀第四季哎呀,皇上来打工了时间旅行者的妻子宦海奇官粤语足球骑士阴阳师·平安物语第三季9号秘事 第三季人肉天妇罗访问连环杀手拜拜母亲节鬼声波西出玉门无止境的爱三妻艳史特殊日子 特殊料理第一季亲爱的同志绽放青春花仔多情国语旅行者 第一季魔法阿妈大话武林电脑梦幻曲朱丽娅纯真年代2021遥远的召唤姊姊妹妹站起来京都人的秘密欢愉~BLUE修业中~燃情之秋~




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