



主演:Hannah Fry





  Hannah Fry, a professor of maths, is used to investigating the world around her through numbers. When she's diagnosed with cervical cancer at the age of 36, she starts to interrogate the way we diagnose and treat cancer by digging into the statistics to ask whether we are making the right choices in how we treat this disease. Are we sometimes too quick to screen and treat cancer? Do doctors always speak to us honestly about the subject? It may seem like a dangerous question to ask, but are we at risk of overmedicalising cancer? At the same time, Hannah records her own cancer journey in raw and emotional personal footage, where the realities of life after a cancer diagnosis are laid bare.

天使的战争天才萌宝甜蜜辣妈梦魇2017神通术与小霸王请和搞笑的我谈恋爱鬼网吧素还真阿登的狂挫虹猫蓝兔火凤凰美国大革命悠哉日常大王最终骑士毛骨悚然撞鬼经2023夏季特别篇系统之皇后养成记金牌师姐 金牌師姐从今天开始当城主 动态漫画 第二季少爷和我首演之夜1977魔偶奇谭8遗产封神演义1987冰上青春日记监狱中的女孩绅士联盟第一季骑士杰克非凡公主致命弯道6:终极审判武林怪兽逃离那间房孤筏重洋29片棕榈叶神奇四侠国土安全第六季瓦莱里娅要结婚了除却巫山不是云一吻定情第一季欧比旺:绝地归来原始生活40天第一季过埠新娘女武神驱动欺诈游戏

