

主演:Hannah Fry







  Hannah Fry, a professor of maths, is used to investigating the world around her through numbers. When she's diagnosed with cervical cancer at the age of 36, she starts to interrogate the way we diagnose and treat cancer by digging into the statistics to ask whether we are making the right choices in how we treat this disease. Are we sometimes too quick to screen and treat cancer? Do doctors always speak to us honestly about the subject? It may seem like a dangerous question to ask, but are we at risk of overmedicalising cancer? At the same time, Hannah records her own cancer journey in raw and emotional personal footage, where the realities of life after a cancer diagnosis are laid bare.斗龙战士62022大海啸WIXOSS DIVA (A) LIVE我是一名杀手:出狱人生第一季女总裁的绝世狂医玩命巅峰第十八届中国长春电影节开幕式吸血家族汉密尔顿2020年中央广播电视总台春节联欢晚会蔡锷与小凤仙粤语穿到古代抢太子这是罪苍白骑士想唱就唱2013罗宾汉心灵猎人第二季蜜恋失心第二季心理较量外星人爆发吹响悠风号剧场版:欢迎来到北宇治高中吹奏乐部龙凤贼捉贼当黑夜降临老虎队神秘敌人第二季还魂砂美国忍者2:战斗人开局我在昆仑学院学斩神一飞冲天,神眼天医福尔摩斯:基本演绎法第四季回到古代当老板购物女王正常人第一季七公主2021国语七个师姐把我宠上天 动态漫画 第一季肇事逃逸山丘之外小胆大英雄任务待续龙帝出狱迷雾刺杀

