

主演:Ahmed Awadalla,Nadim Bahsoun,Hassan Dib,Ahmed El Gendy,Richard Gabriel Gersch,Donia Massoud,Selim Mourad,Salim Mrad







  A glance leads to a smile, a smile to a rendezvous: every love story begins the same way. These narratives are stored in songs and poems and live on beyond their inevitable endings, as Shakespeare’s titular sonnet 18 also suggests. In Mohammad Shawky Hassan’s metafictional essay, a female narrator who wishes to tell the story of a love between two men encounters a polyamorous chorus of lovers, and this oft-told tale is multiplied. In Club Scheherazade, there is no protagonist, and every song has various versions. Heteronormative dramaturgy is challenged polyphonically and across a range of media: lovers ask each other about threesomes, Grindr contacts and past dates. Pop clichés are twisted, heartache permeates the men’s singing, and poems by Wadih Saadeh are read out while a lover’s dirty laundry is aired. The narrator mischievously tries for a happy ending as her characters exit the story. “If pain could be forgotten through words,” we hear at one point, “no lover would ever have to walk away wounded.”使徒行者2粤语通灵神探战国BASARA波士顿法律 第四季拳斗火线追凶之血色刀锋贼公计小偷才幸福从天而降台北异想不朽的埃及两分钟警告少年梦平克顿小姐封面女郎猫科动物的故事玄帝传说天赐仇爱火力少年王动画版玻璃之地2014绝不认输天阙火宅之人谜谕第一季燃烧的爱(灼爱炙烫)咒怨2缘来缘去1998骗中骗2你是我的永恒星辰职场逆袭的落魄前妻黄浦倾情粤语第一次的亲密接触爱情与灵药机关枪传教士圆桌时光派刑场上的婚礼换屋惊魂舞动奇迹杀手废J粤语动态漫画·开局十个大帝都是我徒弟第二季虫虫克星死里逃生

